Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter 2016!

Well, we had a lovely mid day to hunt for eggs outside until the hail and pounding rains came. Then we hunted for eggs in the house. Jillian and Beau each had the chance to seek and find. Beau had 3 eggs filled with tiny treats. By the 3rd egg he had figured out if he ran and jumped on the egg, it popped open and treats went flying! Jillian's were empty and her treats were kept inside just in case Beau decided to try and steal one. No chocolate for that guy! We all took turns hiding eggs in the house for each other and even hid one on sleepy Grandpa!
We started out at a bagel brunch in our old neighborhood with friends we haven't seen in a while. SO fun!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

4th Grade!

Can anyone believe she's already in 4th grade?!?!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Jillian's project

Jillian's class has been studying different counties in Oregon. Each student was given a county, had to research what was in their county, and make a miniature parade float presenting those things. The balloon represents the balloon rides you can take in Benton County. The HP sign is for the Hewlett Packard test facility there. The Beaver represents the Oregon State University. The horses are for the rodeo, the roller coaster is for the County fair, the waterfall is of Alsea falls, and the trees are for the timber industry.

Annual Apple trip to Hoodriver!

 Leaves in Gresham on the way to Hood River. We try to stop here every year. Gorgeous this year!
 My kind of Fall line up. These trees never disappoint and were more colorful than I remember!
 Breathtaking. She is really into climbing trees right now!
 Almost 10, and such an incredibly creative and smart young lady.
 Delicious apples. Picked a few off the trees on the hay ride too!
 Silly Gourds. We have a few small ones to decorate the dining room table.
 It was a beautiful, warm and sunny day in Park Dale this year!
 I've been coming to this orchard for over 30 years. Glad I can share the experience with Jillian too!
 White River is where we usually go snow-shoeing. Probably not this year. So bare.
Just below where Jillian is standing should be a rushing river... it's just a trickle now.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Supermoon eclipse

From our viewpoint (the west coast) the eclipse was already happening at the same time that the moon was coming up over the horizon. Although there wasn't much of an eclipse feel, it did make for some great photos. We headed out into the country by Boring, Oregon and waited for the action. Here's the results.

  Before the moon came up the sun was just setting in the west and this was in the east.
  The first truly visible signs of the moon and eclipse.
  As you can see, as the moon got higher in the horizon, it began to track in an arch over Mt Hood.

Hope you enjoyed the show!

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Today was a little smokey with the winds blowing the smoke from various forest fires all toward Portland. this is a news camera view from downtown Portland.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Enchanted Forest

 Jaclyn and I at the castle in Enchanted Forest.
 Sideways in the crooked house.
 Into the witches mouth.
 Outside of the crooked house.
 Down the shoe slide.
 My first Zotz.
 Panning for treasure.
Drenched after the log ride.