Saturday, May 31, 2008

Gerry Lopez

Last night I got a chance to meet one of the surfing worlds greats, Gerry Lopez.
For those of you who aren't surfers, Gerry is like the Terry Bradshaw of football or Julius Irving of basketball. He's 60 now, so he's not one of the top pros anymore but in his day (late 60's, 70's and early 80's) he was one of the most well known. He was speaking here in Portland about his new book and signing autographs as well. I had already finished the book but definitely had him sign it. I also was able to give him the gift of one of my photos. I, the photographer, did forget to bring my camera, so I had to once again do some photoshop magic.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Friday, May 23, 2008


This little "Sweet Child of Mine" is glad its spring time. No more "November Rain". In fact we've had enough rain this year that all the plants are overgrowing. "Welcome to the Jungle" baby.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Little Artist

The one thing Jillian likes to do more than anything else is art. It could be playing with Play-Doh, drawing with markers or crayons, painting, or building towers with legos. Recently she created a butterfly garden stone. Just mix the concrete, pour in the mold and let Jillian place the glass where she wants.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Yesterday at school, Jillian found out what happens when you walk out in front of someone swinging. Chuck Norris kick to the cheekbone. Whackkkkk!
(She is okay and it doesn't seem to bother her.)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Tribute to the Greatest Mommie EVER!

Nothing more needs to be said. Happy Mother's Day!

Ahhhh Morning... For those of you that have kids!

So its Mother's Day. Which in my world is easily translated... Jillian wakes up in the morning and runs into our room and says," mama! mama! mama! mama!", until I roll over and pull her onto me and does her best to "try" and snuggle, but really just kicks all over as I narrowly escape an elbow to the eye. Can you imagine, a black eye would really be the best gift EVER! I wonder if they make shoes in a  BRUISE COLORED LEATHER...
We've already been out to breakfast and now I'm at our local coffee shop "relaxing" with all the dads that thought they would give mom a break and drag their kids to the place where on a Sunday morning anyone without the java jolt to the system would so appreciate. 
John and Jillian are at Sellwood park  playing.  Ahhhhh Morning...

Friday, May 9, 2008


I remember this board from the early 80's. I was during a time of experimentation when surfboard companies were trying to find out how many fins would work best on a surfboard. I believe it was Buttons who took the board out and kept breaking fins off with his bare hands until he started being able to control the board. I can't remember when "real" surfing started, but I sure wouldn't want to get hit by that board.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Movie Time

Everything bad they do is washed away when they come to snuggle up to you and watch a movie.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Just got back from a week at the beach. It was pretty typical Oregon weather (wet), but we got enough sun breaks each day to allow for a few hours in the heated pool or playing on the beach. Our friends Hunter and Lisa joined us on the first night (Sunday) and we had a nice dinner and a BAD movie. The next morning the boys went surfing while the girls bonded on the beach. Jillian really took to Lisa and asked for her often after they left.
Tuesday brought us a REALLY ugly morning of rain. Perfect weather to drive to Tillamook and check out the cheese factory. The women working in the cheese factory really took a liking to Jillian and kept waving to her through the window. I figure this may have been the slowest production morning at the factory. After having lunch and ice cream there, we headed back to the room. Much to our surprise, the clouds parted and opened up a beautiful day for getting in the heated pool.
The rest of the week was better weather with sun breaks and minor showers. This gave us lots of time to journey back to the pool and play on the beach. It was cold at times but nothing us hardy Oregonians can't handle. The wind also made for good kite flying weather.
We made it back to Portland on Friday and had a couple more nice days before having to go back to work. Now if I could just be independenly wealthy and do this all the time.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Vroom and Peep

A couple of images of Bean with her new motorcycle (Dada couldn't resist) and with one of the baby chickens from the neighbors across the street. Jillian might be a motorcylce riding vet?

Friday, May 2, 2008

Fresh Fish

Just thought I'd post a picture of my new toy. I probably wouldn't have bought it but Julie gave me a little nudge since it was such a good deal. For those of you who aren't surfboard savvy, this style of board is called a fish, hence the title "fresh fish."