Monday, September 29, 2008

The other 10%

We like to tell people that Jillian is good about 90% of the time. This is the other 10%. I wonder if this brings back memories for Grandpa and Grandma Oregon?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jillian's Ink

So its finished. Jillian's tattoo. The artist who originally drew this is Charley Harper. We put a Butterfly in the Horse Shoe instead of a Ladybug because Jillian loves Butterflies.
To the friends I told I'd put this up, sorry it took so long to post!

As I look back in the history of our blogs.... I have already posted this! What a DORK...

Our Little Multi-Tasker

Jillian has gotten to be quite the pro at potty training. In fact, she only uses pull-ups for bedtime. 
Apparently she has gotten so good, she can already multi-task while on the throne! 
I'm not sure who she was talking to, but boy they got an earful!!!!
Pretty soon she'll be wearing her special days of the week panties, proud as can be!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

School's Out Forever!

"School's out for the summer! School's out forever!" - Alice Cooper
Well summer may be over, but for me school is out forever. I turned in my final grades for the last class I plan to teach. It just got to be too much to do with having a full time job and a young daughter. The one thing I did learn is that we should all appreciate teachers a LOT more than we do. It involves tons of effort outside of class that most people will never see. Having 4 aunts who were career teachers, I take my hat off to them.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Yes I'm Lame

So, obviously we've been busier than normal. It is ironic that Julie wrote that we're lame since I have been limping around for the last week plus. My 38 year old body took some abuse trying to be a teenager again. I landed flat on my heal from about 3 feet up. Immediately I knew I hurt myself and just slowly walked to the side of the skatepark and took off my pads. Long story short, I walked with a cane for about 5 days and after a week I am just now putting weight on it. It's hard realizing that I may be too old to do something I enjoy.

Friday, September 12, 2008