Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nobody puts Baby in a Corner!

Congratulations go out to my friends Michelle and Alex Movahed in New York City. They just found out they are having a baby girl!!! 
I'll keep you all posted.  They're due in late July so don't hold your breath.


xo, Auntie Hoolie

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Guess her age... Win a pie!

Some people have cake on their birthday, but special girls get coconut cream pie!
And don't share.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Through the Years...

February 24th has always been an important day in history if you ask my mom. 
So, I did some research and discovered it was important to others' as well:
1836: painter Winslow Homer is born
1868: First parade with floats in U.S. (Mardi-Gras  Mobile, Alabama)
1941: Anti-Nazi meeting held in Amsterdam
1945: Nazi occupiers begin state of siege
1946: Juan Peron is elected President of Argentina (but, don't CRY)
1955: Steve Jobs Birthday (co-founder Apple)
1962: Michelle Shocked Birthday
1976: Julie Marie Rodriguez born at Sunnyside Kaiser Hospital
1977: President Carter announces U.S. Foreign Aid will consider Human Rights
1992: Kurt Cobain marries Courtney Love (all good things must end)
1998: Elton John Knighted
2008: Fidel Castro steps down, as brother Raul is unanimously voted in as Cuba's President

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Zoooo? Whooo?

Us, that's who! We had a great morning at the zoo on Saturday. For a city that rains most of the morning, we have had plenty of sunshine. We decided to enjoy some of it by checking out some animals early Saturday. Unfortunately Jillian's favorite exhibit, the bats, was closed for winter repairs. But we did have a great time and saw some animals eating breakfast. The owl above was on a handlers arm and was only about 6-8 inches tall but was a great portrait subject.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Do... all over again!

Friday, February 20th, 2009 marks the 6 year anniversary of Mine and Johns' wedding day. 
For those of you that don't know, we got married at the court house in Portland and then took off to San Francisco for the Honeymoon. (Alcatraz Prison, here we come!)
My parents and 2 of John's friends were our witnesses. We came home and had wedding showers (surprise we're already married!) and then in May had a big reception. (dress, tux and all)
We have been through deaths, births, a miscarriage, happy times, sad times, pets, hard times and just stay at home on the couch watching re-runs times. 
I can honestly say that I have experienced more JOY than I thought possible for me. 
Marriage is wonderful and hard all at the same time. The fun part is the working at it. If its with the right person, the work is worth it. 
John, I would do it all over again. (even if there wasn't someone holding a knife to my throat) You are my best friend, my snuggle bunny, my padded wall. I am happy to wake up to your face every morning and hope I have many more years of your smile, kindness and love.
For Better or Worse, Happy Anniversary!

Love, Wife

Sunday, February 15, 2009

We Out

Thank you to everyone who posted a comment or busted a rhyme to win Jillian for Valentine's Day! 

You all are Da Bomb!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Preschool Glam-Rock Contest

Send in your best caption and you could win an evening with the Glam Queen herself. Entries must be received by February 12th, 2009 at midnight in order to notify winner of what time to pick the Queen up on Valentine's Day evening. The evening promises to be a night to remember...
(yes, that's a Run DMC shirt!)

Pucker Up

This is just a cute mama-Jillian pic. We were showing dada our shiny lip gloss.


So on Saturday, January 31st we all loaded in the car to go to my parents house and have a BBQ. My mom and dad were busy all morning preparing every kind of food imaginable!
Jillian thought the sun was a little bright on the way out to the house so she asked to borrow a pair of shades. John thought she looked pretty cute and snapped this pic on our way out in the car!
We thought it a good idea to get some shots of the group while we were all together. Then I decided to take a silly photo of the three of us, so enjoy.