Tuesday, March 31, 2009

HOLE-Y Gaping HOLE, Batman

Tonight all 3jts were out in the driveway watching Jillian cruise down the sidewalk like we did Sunday. This story, however; has an unhappy ending...
Jillian was rolling along and hit a pebble near the driveway and tipped over.
There was lots of screaming, blood and a trip to the ER. $100 co-pay, bloody Mao and a gaping hole later, we were in the car headed home. The doc said that fortunately she hit at just the right angle to knock the whole tooth out and we'll just have to wait for the big girl tooth to grow in.
We're going to split the day tomorrow and keep her at home. Girl needs her beauty rest.

Monday, March 30, 2009

John took the top 3 pics, and I the last one. Jillian and John went outside this afternoon while I was making dinner. She enjoyed rolling down the little slope, feet off the ground smiling the whole time. Then Daddy drew her a bird for her to color in, pretty good I think.
Last night after the tub, I was talking about Owens' tattoos he had up and down his arm and immediately said she wanted some. Ask and you shall receive! Yes, I know she's topless. We're hoping to get all of this out of the way while she is still young and only has, "itty bitties". For those of you who are familiar with the show SEINFELD, please ignore the itty bitty nipple shot...
This afternoon Jillian laid down next to Missy Dog on the couch and pestered her till she woke up. I tried to tell Jillian that an almost 15 year old dog needs her rest, but, well they are cute.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Spring is finally showing up here in the Pacific Northwest.
These are cherry blossoms from a tree here in the neighborhood.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I want to be...

So the past few blogs have shown Jillian being a photographer, a snake handler, and a blues musician. Jillian told us tonight that she wants to be a firefighter when she grows up. We don't have any pictures of her pretending to be a firefighter, but here are some shots of her being a chef, playing veterinarian, and of course being a super model. Now if I could just figure out what I want to be when I grow up...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Race is on...

I just registered for my half-marathon today. Its the Race for the Roses, April 5th.
Wish me luck. Been doing some extra time at the gym, lately.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Traveling Amish Brothers' Blues Band

This afternoon Jillian asked John if he would play guitar for her. It turned into an all out Jam Session in the living room. I personally think they should take it on the road. Jillian got out her harmonica and Mao joined in on the fun. It is a concert not to be missed!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reptile man

I took the morning off work today to visit Jillian's daycare for a special day. Steve of Creature Feature was bringing his snakes and lizards for the kids to see. As you can see Jillian was really excited. Steve started off bringing out the dangerous creatures which included a king cobra, a gabon viper and a diamond back rattle snake. Although they all had their venom sacks removed, they still had their teeth and made me a little more than nervous; especially since the kids were a max of 15ft away. I made sure that Jillian had other kids in front of her. After the big boys were put away, he brought out the "touchable" reptiles. As you can see, Jillian showed no fear and touched every creature she could. For those who are wondering, Jilian does know that if you see a snake in the wild you should stay away. I hope this post didn't creep out Grandma R. too much.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Future Photographer?

So we gave Jillian the camera and told her how to use it. These are some of the first shots she took. She may have talent but let's hope she doesn't follow in her daddy's footsteps. I expect more from her.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday DR. SEUSS!

Today is the great Dr. Seuss' birthday. We celebrated by having green eggs and ham for dinner.
Cheers to the genius that was "Sam I am."