Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Great Camp Out

This Saturday we spent the day at the Browns' house for a garage sale. My mom stopped by for a bit and collectively we made $108 dollars.  Not bad, but not so great. We had a blast, though. The kids played well together and all the adults got along swimmingly. Later in the evening we readied ourselves for our Camp Out in the backyard. We put up 2 tents, kids shared a bath,  ate some dinner and had some smores. This was Jillian and Owen's first time in a tent and both did really well. We read some stories and told some stories and then it was off to bed around 9:45. It wasn't dark yet, but we were all exhausted. The Browns' woke around 6:30 and we "slept" till 7:45! I say slept in quotes b/c every time John or I woke up, our faces were pressed into the side of the tent. Jillian likes to move a lot in her sleep.
Oh, did I mention we woke to fresh coffee and out of the oven scones. Awesome!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Like Father Like Daughter

Sidewalk chalk drawing is one of Jillian's favorite activities and now that summer is here we can enjoy doing it without the rain washing everything away. Julie and I usually get involved as well. Here we have my drawing and Jillian's version with a little help from Dad. 

Monday, June 22, 2009

PSA from Jillian Kay

I love you the MOREST!

Time for Change...

I'm gonna put a penny jar on the porch and anyone who wants to put a little somethin' in is welcome.
We are most likely moving and it'll be sad to move out of the neighborhood... Too many friends to leave, for us and Jillian.
Anything you can spare in these economic times would be greatly appreciated.


 * no jar, but we are looking to move

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Accepting the award is...

Ladies and Gentlemen, The winner in the category of :MOST DRAMATIC COMEDY is Jillian Kay Toporowski. Jillian will be accepting her award tonight on the arm of her father, John Toporowski. Caption 1:" I am thrilled that the Academy recognized my talents, and thank you for this prestigious award."
Caption 2; Jillian as ROYAL TOPOROWSKI, character head shot.
Caption 3: If you don't know the reference, then shame on YOU!

* Royal Tenenbaums is a Wes Anderson film.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I got chocolate and you don't!

Jillian and Julie made a chocolate cake on Thursday and Jillian got to lick the batter off the mixer. I took a few pictures and didn't quite realize what finger Jillian was using until we loaded them on the computer. The first picture says it all; "I got mine go get your own."

Friday, June 12, 2009


Tonight was Jillian's End of the Year Celebration for her school. We met at the park and every one brought food and gathered for fun. The big surprise was the local Fire station came and brought along 4 men and a big red truck! The kids sang, "You are my Sunshine," and played on the playground while scarfing down carrots, mac n cheese, cookies and anything else that was deliciously displayed on the picnic tables. 
It rained almost the whole time, but we sat on blankets under trees. My favorite part was watching Jillian play with her 2 BFF'S: Angela and Owen. A great time was had by all. Oh, and all of Jillian's cake was eaten so we didn't have to bring any home!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Strawberry Sunday

This morning we told Jillian it appeared that a few of her strawberries were ready to be picked. She was so excited, she picked 2. One for her and one she took to Owen at the Milk Carton Boat Races! The only downside, she had just brushed her teeth so she said it was a little sour. Maybe we'll have strawberry short cake later this week!