Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Say a prayer

Please say a prayer for the family of a friend of mine from Texas. I just found out that Sherry Rudisell Gonzalez passed away this week. She was only 39 years old. Sherry stepped into my life in High School and introduced me to AA. I owe so much of my life to her.

BIG 40

Just a few picture from our 40 year celebration.

Blue Jay

Monster march was last Sunday and Jillian got to try out her Blue Jay costume before Halloween.

40... the new 39!

We were at Target looking for a gift for Daddy from Jillian. Walking up and down the aisles, Jillian asked me how old Dada was going to be. I said," He is going to be 40." 
Jillian said," that's real old Mama!" 

We love you John. Hope today finds you youthful and happy. (you know, the opposite of how you always are!!!!)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dia de los Muertos 2

The finished product! The top picture is the Toporowski family's skulls and the bottom one is Christi. Christi had already gone hme while we were still finishing all the skulls,, so we had to take a picture of hers separately.

Dia de los Muertos

The morning was spent decorating sugar skulls. Christi came over and we all had a good time.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkin carving

Owen and his family came over Sunday for pumpkin carving. The pumpkins (13) were supplied by Grandma and Grandpa. I think we gave 1 away and carved 8. I should say that the adults carved 8 while Jillian and Owen played. Thanks Grandma for watching them.

Super Lightning Girl Part 3

Even super heroes need love from their Mom and Dad.

Super Lightning Girl Part 2

Super lightning girl has been patroling the neighborhood lately.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Super Lightning Girl

We were bored on Saturday afternoon...

Until, the arrival of Super Lightning Girl! 
Thanks Super Lightning Girl for adding some ZING to our day! 

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy 4th Julia!

On Saturday, we all went to Julia's 4th Birthday Party at the Southwest Community Center! We had a super time playing in the open gym. Jillian really enjoyed the HUGE plastic ball and rolled around in it so much that her hair, well, you can see for yourselves...
She drove a little plastic car and tried her Flinstone feet on a 3 wheeled scooter. Before we left, all the kids got to choose a foam mask to take home. Jillian chose a MEOW! A good time was had by all.