Well, I don't like to give footbal commentary but it kind of was like this.
McCoy got hit in the first Texas drive with about 4 yards to go. Someone hit him in the back right shoulder blade. I knew it was over then. Can you imagine being the freshman rookie quarterback being asked to play your first game and it's for the national title? Then our center got hurt and we had to have a rookie freshman center. The first half was grim... not that the second half was any better.
The Texas defense held there own and The rookie started to get some confidence but I really don't think it was an #1Alabama versus a #2Texas. It was more like a #1 Alabama against an unranked Texas. Would have been a different story had McCoy not been hurt.
From the interview afterwards it sounds like he wasn't even hurt bad, just wanted to save his pro career. The thing is, his stock in being wanted in the NFL just fell to third round if that.
I'm rather upset with Colt, but suprisingly not at the team. They did a valiant effort to catch up with what they had for players. Better luck next year? Don't count on it. It will be a while before Texas rebuilds again. At least we have Mack Brown guiding the way. Hook 'Em Horns for life.