Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Roller Rink part II

One of the pics is a double, but I just really liked the pic! Jillian and Maddy got to have their pic taken with Chipper also! So cool.

Roller Rink Ringer to Racer in 1 Easy Lesson

Jillian and her friend Maddy went Roller Skating at Oaks Park today for the 6 and under class! They had so much fun and Jillian is a Natural! She loved it so much we are going back Saturday morning and she wanted to take the skates home! She wanted to wear her fancy skate outfit, and Maddy wore a tu-tu also. We all had a blast!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Princess' and Parties

Jillian and Owen had their 4th Birthday parties together this year at The Playground Gym. These guys really have it together. Not only did they have a really cool play space, they had organized games and obstacle courses set up for the kids. The Playground Gym is an indoor play space that offers classes and open gym time for kids and adults! Pictured above are some of The Usual Suspects: Jillian, Owen, Maddy and Angela. We had 2 hours of fun and I wouldn't mind taking Jillian back for a Gymnastics class!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Finished a 47 hr week today. Was almost looking at working more time this weekend, but the boss said, "We'll deal with it in on Monday." Thank goodness, as we have two birthday parties to attend this weekend. It's good to have so much work that I d on't have to worry about being employed, bu sometimes it gets overwhelming.

On another note; the Capture A Day blog keeps rolling along. Interestingly enough the very thing that was supposed to get my creative photography juices flowing is actually draining them. It hasn't even been 2 months and I'm getting really tired of trying to find things to photograph. Especially since most days I go to work n the dark, and come home in the dark. Thanks to everyone who has been looking at it and leaving comments. If it wsan't for the comments I would have quit long ago.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More Birthday pics.

In case you didn't remember, Jillian turned 4 today.


Jillian's party was a pretty princess success! I've never seen so much pink princess stuff. It looks like a princess castle barfed in our house. More pictures to come.

Monday, January 18, 2010

doc visit

I painted this for Jillian for an early Birthday present.
And, oh yeah, took Jillian in for her well-child apt. today and she is 37 1/2 inches tall and 32.8 lbs! Yahoo. What a gal!

Princess and The Shoes

Jillian took a little bit of her Birthday $ (thank you all!) to Target today and she saw this dress and instantly found her size and asked if she could have it to wear to school tomorrow for her big day. then she NEEDED a $9 pair of FABULOUS turquoise shoes to go with it. I am SO jealous of them. She is truly my Little Princess. (the last pic is of her making a wish!)

Eye see you

I was messing around this morning with the camera and kinda liked this shot.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jillian has a dream

Jillian asked me today what holiday Monday was. I explained to her that it was Martin Luther King Jr day and that he was an important man who helped fight to make all people treated nicely. She asked me if he was still alive, to which I replied no. "How did he die?" asked Jillian. I replied by telling her that someone killed him. After telling her that someone shot him with a gun, she replied, "Good thing there are no more guns."

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Princess Dress

Jillian received her new princess dress that was handmade by Grandma Texas. She loves it. Spent the evening wearing it and dancing in it. I think it made Grandma's day telling her how much Jillian liked it. A birthday gift for both Jillian and Grandma Texas. Happy Birthday, Mom.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Jillian drew the above picture by herself with absolutely no help. The paper is black and when the "pen" draws on the paper the color below appears. I can't believe the detail in the person. Just remember that she will be 4 yrs. old in a week. AMAZING!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ham and Cheese

Jillian grabbed my hat and when I asked to take her picture she REALLY hammed it up and said, "CHEESE."

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What Happened?

Well, I don't like to give footbal commentary but it kind of was like this.

McCoy got hit in the first Texas drive with about 4 yards to go. Someone hit him in the back right shoulder blade. I knew it was over then. Can you imagine being the freshman rookie quarterback being asked to play your first game and it's for the national title? Then our center got hurt and we had to have a rookie freshman center. The first half was grim... not that the second half was any better.

The Texas defense held there own and The rookie started to get some confidence but I really don't think it was an #1Alabama versus a #2Texas. It was more like a #1 Alabama against an unranked Texas. Would have been a different story had McCoy not been hurt.

From the interview afterwards it sounds like he wasn't even hurt bad, just wanted to save his pro career. The thing is, his stock in being wanted in the NFL just fell to third round if that.

I'm rather upset with Colt, but suprisingly not at the team. They did a valiant effort to catch up with what they had for players. Better luck next year? Don't count on it. It will be a while before Texas rebuilds again. At least we have Mack Brown guiding the way. Hook 'Em Horns for life.

Hook 'Em Horns!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Princesses

Okay Mom and Dad, here's the card. If possible I'd like them to be 3 separate paintings. The 2 on the right should have their clothing colors switched. Cinderella wears blue, Sleeping beauty wears pink/red. Thank you dad for doing this for Jillian.
*My dad is painting the 3 princesses for Jillian as a present. (I hope)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hook 'em Texas Toes!

Today we went to get our toes done for the Big Texas match up against Alabama on January 7th, 2009! ( that's a Thursday) John went with Burnt Orange, I chose Vivacious Orange and we're not sure who Jillian is rooting for with purple toes and green polka dots.
I sure hope The University of Texas Longhorns know how much they are loved in Oregon! Hear that, McCoy? You better win for a little girl in Oregon and a Big Daddy, too!
*The last pic is of a Bevo window decoration we found at a party store. It is proudly perched in out living room window!
Go Horns!