Sunday, February 28, 2010

a little more from roller night...

As you can see, we all got into the spirit of the 50's theme. Thanks to all of you for coming out. I had a memorable night.

My 34th Berfday...

For my berfday this year, we went roller skating for 50's night at Oaks Park. The Browns came, Hunter and Lisa, Dave and paige, and a couple co-worker friends: Amanda and Kira. Also joining the mix is a friend I have known for many years; Stacey and her friend, Angie. I could not get pics of all of them because they have a strict rule of no cameras on the rink! I was a little trickster on some of these shots. We all had a good 2 hour session and then off to Voodoo Donuts! Delicious way to spend my evening!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Berfday!

So the day of my birthday I had a headache that turned into a migraine. Needless to say, there wasn't much celebrating and I was in bed at 8:50.
Tonight John and I split the mini coconut creme pie from Baker&Spice. Delicious.
Jillian made me this crown at school yesterday and I not only wore it for this photo, but into the grocery store last night and to walk the dog! Thanks guys for trying to make it wonderful! 34 isn't looking too shabby!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Squeaky Clean Girl

Just a cute shot of my favorite girl in the "whole wide universe."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

slappy hands

Pop-in and Lock-in (his collar)

John and I went out last night with friends to a concert. The theme was love songs from the 80's-90's. Several Portland bands put on a RAD show. John and I decided to dress up after we saw the crowd last year! A good time was had by all.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

smiley sprite

Some cars have real character.

Friday, February 12, 2010

From the Way-Back Library!

When Jillian was learning to walk, she enjoyed pulling/pushing her toys across the floor. One afternoon I caught her and filmed a few minutes. John edited the footage and put it to some music.
Happy Valentine's Day 2010.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Day at The Museum

Today we met up with Jillian's school chum, Angela, and her mom. We had a great time at The Children's Museum. It was interesting to watch Jill interact with her "girlfriend" since usually we are tagging around with Owen. The girls played from 9:30 till almost 1 p.m. When Jillian went to bed tonight, I heard her say, "I'm really not tired." This, after riding her push bike to the park with us and playing chase and also on the play structure. Did I mention she has a low grade fever of 100.1? Maybe she was delirious!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Peace of Pizza

Jillian designed and made this by herself. I was making dinner and went to see what she was creating and was totally impressed. She called it her pizza sign.