Friday, February 25, 2011

Girls Afternoon

Jillian and I went to the nail salon this afternoon. She has been coming with me since she was in the womb. The ladies love her there! She gets to sit on my lap and put her feet in the tub and they massage and paint her toes. She wanted her fingers painted with the same glittery blue, so I painted them while her toes dried. We went with green and blue today.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh the fun you can have in the snow!

What a beautiful day! Jillian and I walked around the neighborhood for about 45 minutes and played in the snow at the park. She collected snow for a ball and we put it in the freezer. She says the snow tastes like "SUSHI!!" Love her even more.

Happy 35th Snow Day Birthday to meeeeee...

I wished with all my might. No snow last night. No snow at 2:30. Woke up at 4:30 and all was WHITE.
Today is my 35th birthday and I wanted nothing more than to sit at home and watch the snow fall. John is still a kid at heart and went outside and threw a snowball at Jillian and I.
Sugar kitty has no idea what to think of it all, but enjoys looking out of EVERY window, trying to catch the big flakes that fall. Today is a good day.


I cut my hair! I really love it. I feel very confident, not like I'm hiding behind a lot of hair. Also, losing 15 1/2 pounds can boost any one's confidence.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Sugar-booger!

Sugar celebrated her 1st birthday on Sunday. We got her a special can of wet food and placed a candle in it. Fortunately for her whiskers, the candle went out just as she dove for it. Burnt whiskers don't smell very good!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!

A few of Sugar's Favorite Things...

Sugar has moved in and settled into our hearts quickly. She definitely is a kitten and LOVES to rip up shoe laces. Her most favorite thing is to drink from our water glasses if they are on the floor. Sometimes mildly annoying, but most of the time adorable! P.S. she loves to chew on naked ankles. Can't wait to see how shredded my feet become as the months get warmer!

Happy Valentine's Day 2011

Jillian picked out some fun cards to share with her class this year. I think this is the first year we didn't make her Valentines. These came with tattoos!
WE're not big on celebrating this "holiday" for each other, but surely for Jillian. The heart shaped pizza was by request. Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Try- Athlon

So it's official. I have decided to do a sprint triathlon in June. It's a 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile ride and 3 mile run. I have secured a triathlon wetsuit, but the toughest part might be the entry fee. This also means a lot more specific training. At least I should loose some more weight. -John

Monday, February 7, 2011

Design work

A banner I got to create for a new place in Pacific City.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Boredom is sometimes Pretty.

I took this picture of myself at work on my lunch break because I was bored. I think it turned out pretty well.