Sunday, March 27, 2011

This is I think 17 pounds...(lost)

I was exercising on my Bosu Ball with weights while watching television Wednesday night. John took my picture. Not too shabby! Just a couple more pounds to go...

just cute

Uncle Bob took the family out to dinner tonight because he wanted to share a gift certificate to a lovely restaurant he got from a friend. It was by the Clackamas river and a gorgeous view. Jillian rather enjoyed splitting the fudge chocolate cake with Uncle Bob for dessert!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Gabby, the Gabon Viper

This is Gabby. She is the closest descendent from dinosaurs. She has fangs over 2 inches long and is one of the deadliest snakes in the world. Up close, she looks like velvet. She has grown in girth since last year and can get rather large in the wild. I LOVE HER. p.s. Her hiss is SO loud, it is a device that keeps humans and other animals away from her in the wild. I'd run like HELL if I ever heard it!

Signs of Spring.

First of all, THE SUN! WE enjoyed our first play time in the hood this afternoon, until the sun went away, leaving us all COLD.
Jillian and I were out by the neighbors yard and spotted a Wooly Bear Caterpillar. She was so happy, she shared it with the neighbor kids and carried it around! I'm ready to see some more sun!

More SNAKES!!!!!

The snakes are all well handled and MOSTLY well behaved. The Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Chili Pepper is super grumpy. The most beautiful to me is the Gabon Viper. She is one of the DEADLIEST snakes in the world. She looks just like velvet, has fangs 2 inches long, and hisses SO loud. She is also one of the sweetest he brings. SHe will never be handled by anyone, but the trainer! There is an alligator and a gecko, too! I had a great time this year.

SNAKES!!!!! SUE!!!! Do Not Watch.

Every year The Creature Feature guy, Steve, comes to my school. He also visits Jillian's school. Two years ago John went and watched the show and Jillian wore a Milk Snake as a necklace. I figured if she could do it, surely me, 30 years older, could do it. Its not like I haven't had snakes on me, just not draped around my neck! I WAS BRAVE!