Monday, January 23, 2012

Who's this ragamuffin?!

We picked up this kid on the morning of Jillian's 6th birthday. We kind of felt sorry for her so we gave her a do-nut. We might keep her.

Jillian's 6th birthday! part 2

Jillian received a special sushi cake from the owner, John, who also decided to eat his cupcake like a six year old. John is a great guy who we have known for 10 years. He always gives Jillian a big hug when we go there. We joke around that her first job will be at his restaurant.

Jillian's 6th birthday!

Jillian's actual birthday was spent going to her favorite sushi restaurant. Yes, our kid loves sushi. Her friend Maddi came along to help celebrate and we brought chocolate cupcakes to share with the staff.

JIllians Birthday celebration part 2

Jillian's birthday cake! The big 6!

JIllians Birthday celebration part 1

Jillian's birthday party came a bit early this year. Since Both sets of Grandparents were here, we decided to have a small family party. Jillian's other interest besides pirates is golf. Just our luck that Portland has an indoor miniature black light pirate golf course! Our friends Chris, Dawn and Owen came along as well and after wards we returned to the house for cake and ice cream.

Christmas part 3

More photos from the holidays.

The girls pottery painting day.

One of the things that the girls got to do while Grandma was here was go to a pottery painting store. They supply the pottery and the paint and after you're done painting, the store will fire it up for you. You pick up the end result in a week.

Christmas part 2

One of Jillian's favorite things is pirates. She has seen all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and if you remember was one for Halloween. This year she received enough cash from all her distant relatives to get a special Lego pirate ship for Christmas. Daddy took 2.5 hours out of his day to put it together; all 800+ pieces. Jillian did help for about an hour. It came out really nice, but now we're not sure where to put it.

Christmas part 1

December was a really nice month for us here in Portland. It was super dry but very cold; still better than wet and cold. Grandma and Grandpa Texas came up to visit and it was their first Christmas here in Oregon. Jillian got to spend lots of time with them while she was on Christmas break. It was very special for all of us.

Where has the time gone?

I'm not sure what happened here. The time has suddenly passed by and it's already January! Actually it's mid January. Well hopefully the following posts will catch you up.