Sunday, February 26, 2012

braided ham


Jillian Hood Part2

I caved in and bought some super lightweight real arrows for Jillian to use with her bow. They work well as you can tell. Now I need to get to the archery range and practice before she gets better than me.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Birthdayversary

This has been the best birthday to date. John surprised me with a night out at a Supper Club complete with Big Band and vocals. I surprised him with a LBD. ( little black dress) Got it on sale for $10! I feel like a million bucks, in the best shape of my life and a good life at that. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! I feel VERY loved.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Gift to YOU, Jillian Kay.

I have been working on this for about a week at work. I used celery to make modern rose prints. At the bottom right with a thin black paint brush, I added the words, "Love you bunches." I woke her up this morning and gave it to her before I left for work. Her words, "Mama, its beautiful!" Made my WHOLE day.
Have I said lately how much I love this kid???

Oh Feel the LOVE.

It really DOES NOT get any cuter than this!
I was asked to volunteer in Jillian's class today for their Valentine Party and I chose to make "love bug" hats. We had a great time, organized chaos, I like to say. It's always fun to see Jillian in her element, learning and playing with her friends. There were cookies to decorate, oranges, apples and tons of candy and valentines to take home. I am blown away sometimes by the affection and polite words that come out of kids this young. I was truly in the presence of LOVE today.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Sugar Kitty!

Sweet treats for the birthday girl tonight. Jillian and I even sang her the birthday song. (even got a bit of the catnip) We are so lucky to have this fancy Miss Kitty Hair Pants! Our lives would be less than entertaining without you. xoxoxoxoxo

Valentine Crafts

Impromptu play date Sunday afternoon led to decorating Valentine shirts with neighbor, Claire.
If you guess what we made the prints with, we may send you a prize!
The girls had lots of fun and I even decorated a t-shirt for myself.

The next Robin Hood?

Jillian has been having fun practicing with her new archery set. I told her if she keeps it up, we'll get her one that shoots pointed arrows.