Sunday, March 31, 2013

Jillian's bracelet

I made a similar bracelet for Julie for Christmas and Jillian had been wanting one ever since. I take an old watch, (I found a place that sells broken ones for $2) and take the guts out. then I fill the insides with beads or gems and rocks.

It's wabbit season.

Is this Oregon or Texas?!?!?!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, also known as Zombie Jesus day. Today was a beautiful day outside with temps in the 70's and nothing but sunshine. The day started with an Easter egg hunt at a local antique store. Jillian found her egg and won a small candy basket and Julie and I each also found an egg that won us gift certificates.
Afterwards we headed out to Grandma's for an Easter dinner and plenty of fun. We had an egg hunt, did egg dying, and Jillian shot her bow as well as the first time shooting a bb gun. Just a fantastic day to be outside.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Springtime is near.

Although we don't have the same weather that people in the south are having, Spring is starting to show around here. The temps are warming (mid to upper 50's), the sun is peaking out a bit and the flowers are starting to bloom.

The Curse of the Saphirre Snowflake

Jillian's first play was this afternoon. The kids in her after school drama class came up with the plot last semester, and the drama teacher wrote the script. This semester they practiced the play and today it was showtime. Jillian had two parts. First she was magic and then later changed costumes and was a goblin.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Jillian doing the backstroke with a ring on her face. It's supposed to help her get perfect form.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

She got what?!?!?!?!

Gotcha! Not even close. But she did keep saying, "I have enough in savings."

Monday, March 11, 2013

Maybe I'll retire.

We're still here.

It's been way too long since we posted anything here. A lot of things have changed and we all have been staying very busy. Julie has been doing a ton of volunteer work for many different causes. Julie turned 37 in February. Jillian has been busy with school, legos, drama class and swimming. She, of course, is excelling in all. She also turned 7 years old in January; time flies. I have been working many hours and have been moving up the corporate ladder, although I'm not sure I want to. I have found time to start shooting clay pigeons with the shotgun I got for Christmas. According to the locals at the trap range, I'm a natural. Julie and I also celebrated 10 years of marriage by spending the evening in a haunted hotel with an incredible outdoor heated soaking pool.  All this going has taken it's toll. Nanny our adopted dog, became a foster dog for a month before she became too much for us. we had to take her back to the rescue. The good news is that today we found out that she found a new home and is no longer at the shelter. She was a sweet dog and we wish her the best. More pictures will be coming soon. Love y'all!