Saturday, February 8, 2014

Old men racing

John vs. Chris; the big race.

More Sledding

Owen and Jillian racing.

More Sledding Video

Jillian and I going down the hill.

More Snow!

Saturday and the snow keeps coming. Thank goodness the Yukon has 4 wheel drive to get to these fun places. So far we have had about 5 inches. The cats are going crazy. They want to go outside, but when they get there, they want in. We went sledding today at the hill in Sellwood park. You can barely make out Sellwood bridge in the background.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Yes, just 4 days after the perfect beach day, Portland experienced our first good snow in 5 years. In fact, as I write this it's still snowing. The kids in the neighborhood have been having a blast. Lucky for us, my vehicle is 4 wheel drive, which means no problem getting around. So far about 4 inches total accumulation and more to come tonight and tomorrow.

Beach time!

Last weekend we headed out towards the coast. It was a perfect day with temps in the low 50's, little wind and plenty of sunshine. we did the typical climb up the large dune, explored the tide pools, met some great dogs, and played some frisbee.