Monday, September 29, 2008

The other 10%

We like to tell people that Jillian is good about 90% of the time. This is the other 10%. I wonder if this brings back memories for Grandpa and Grandma Oregon?


Anonymous said...

WOW Is that you Jillian or your momma. I knew you looked like your momma but the same pout.
Can't wait to see your senior year book photo. (the one the parents select for the baby photo) I can only hope it will match the one we used of your momma.

Love Grandpa and Grandma R

Julie T said...

you know, when things like this are posted after I leave for work I really have no way to defend myself until I get home...
p.s. NO I am NOT pouting right now.

Anonymous said...

Borrowing from an actress of a bygone era (was it May West?):
"When she's good, she's very, very good and when she's bad... she's even better!"

Even your pouty face brings a smile, Jillian! Just keep it at 10% or less, please.

Love, Grandma & Grandpa Texas