Tuesday, March 31, 2009

HOLE-Y Gaping HOLE, Batman

Tonight all 3jts were out in the driveway watching Jillian cruise down the sidewalk like we did Sunday. This story, however; has an unhappy ending...
Jillian was rolling along and hit a pebble near the driveway and tipped over.
There was lots of screaming, blood and a trip to the ER. $100 co-pay, bloody Mao and a gaping hole later, we were in the car headed home. The doc said that fortunately she hit at just the right angle to knock the whole tooth out and we'll just have to wait for the big girl tooth to grow in.
We're going to split the day tomorrow and keep her at home. Girl needs her beauty rest.


Anonymous said...

"Ouch!" for Jillian's pain.
"Ouch!" for mom & dad's co-pay.
Still, a cute picture and story... (sorry, Jillian, but I just had to laugh when I read the caption.) Glad you were wearing your helmet. Maybe a mouth guard next time too?

Love you!
Grandma Texas

Anonymous said...

OMG, poor guys. So sorry you had to lose your first tooth that way.

Hope you will still ride your bike, it must have been very scary for all. Also very glad your helmet was on and that it wasn't on my watch.

Love to all, hope to still see you this weekend.
Grandma R

MPM said...

poor baby!

on the bright side, maybe now you'll get her gold fronts??