Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools!!!

Well, the day is coming to an end so I guess I must confess.
Jillian's smile is fully intact. She will not be getting a gold cap! 
The whole story was a farce fabricated by yours truly. 
I made John do the photoshop of the pic...
I have been berated on the phone, told I was, "sick",  had threats to kick my ass, and told it was, "a great one." 
I am pretty sure I pulled off  one of the greatest jokes in my history. With that said, I may just retire...

C'mon, there's always next year.


Anonymous said...

You got us good. Mica looked at the photo and agreed that it looked legit. Good one indeed.


MPM said...

OK, but now I have my heart set on seeing Jillian w/ gold fronts. Put that photoshopper back to work!!

Anonymous said...

OK, I will admit you truly got us good on this one, I can't believe that Jillian was in on it though.

You have had some good ones in the past but this absolutely tops them all.

And "yes" you deserved every minute of berating. Sorry,
Love All
Mom R

Hunter Williams said...

Just wait until the tooth fairy sends the bill for demobilization and restocking. Fairy doesn't take kindly to dental shenanigans.

Julie T said...

funny hunter. heh heh heh

Anonymous said...

It was a GREAT one!
Hope Jillian got you guys to take her to Dairy Queen for ice cream using the money that the Tooth Fairy sent her.

On the down side, you have left yourselves wide open to attack next April 1... ANYTHING goes now... don't let your guard down.

Mom Texas

Julie T said...

ok, Karen...
Next year we're moving to Texas :) hee hee

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah...
and next year we're moving to Portland, Oregon.