Monday, June 22, 2009

Time for Change...

I'm gonna put a penny jar on the porch and anyone who wants to put a little somethin' in is welcome.
We are most likely moving and it'll be sad to move out of the neighborhood... Too many friends to leave, for us and Jillian.
Anything you can spare in these economic times would be greatly appreciated.


 * no jar, but we are looking to move


Anonymous said...

Don't give up hope yet, in looking at Sellwood area there are some homes and condo's, townhouses in the area that might be promising.

Mom R

MPM said...

Hey, if you're moving anyway, why not go all out? That's right, I'm talking NEW YORK CITY, baby.

Anonymous said...

How about Texas?


Julie T said...

seriously you guys, we're really looking to stay as close to OUR hood as possible, but thanks for making me giggle!

Hunter Williams said...

Come back to Hawthorne!

Why the move?