Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Lovin' part II

The kids got to participate in a water balloon toss and actually gave it quite a go. Tossed it back and forth a couple times and even won a prize! Jillian and Dada had a good time, too. Owen and Jillian rode the train, I think 3 times. We all had a great time!

Summer Lovin', Havin' a Blast...

We went to my moms' office BBQ at Oak's Park on Saturday. We invited along, Chris, Dawn and Owen to join in on the fun. I'm pretty sure you all can tell that we had a BLAST! We thought for sure that the kids would fall asleep on the way home in the Bicycle Burley's, but they pressed on. Jillian went to bed at 8:45 that night and woke the next morning at 9:22. I was impressed to say the least.  Next year, they'll want to ride the 'big rides'.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

buzz buzz sting!

Jillian, John and I were outside playing and I was washing the dog when all of a sudden, Jillian started screaming. She was coming down the stairs when a Hornet flew up her shorts and stung her on her left, inner-thigh. She screamed, then wanted us to hold her and after about a minute, she was okay. We shared a tofutti cutie "ice cream" sandwich on the porch and went inside to get ready for bed. What a girl. She's one tough cookie!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Last Bubble Blown

Yesterday, Jillian began a new swim class. Same learning techniques, different kids and teachers. Her teacher, Hannah, could not be there and so there were 2 guys leading the class. Jillian made it to the middle of the pool for an activity and on her walk back, was tearing up, and with a giant frown. She started crying once she hit the wall and I went to see what was wrong. Her "story" was that she had sunscreen in her eyes and she wanted to get out. Come to find out later, she didn't like the boy teachers and wanted to be in the other class with Owen. We talked her into trying the next day when Hannah returned.
Today, she met Hannah and went out to the middle of the pool and was heading back to the wall (any of this sounding repetitive?) and burst out in tears! I went over again, but made no attempt to get her out of the pool, but asked her what was wrong... 
No reply. John came over and had a chat with her at length... No reply. 
Teacher Hannah came over and asked her to get back in... No reply. 
We withdrew her from the class, but promised that we would come on the weekends! She went home happy. 
The only good news of this happening, before the kids went into their classes tonight, Jillian and Owen and I were playing around in the shallow water and Jillian put her face in the water 3 times! Mostly just to dunk her hair, but dunked it in all the same. I AM SO PROUD!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Missy!

Friday, Missy celebrated her 15th birthday!I hope I look that good if I make it to 105 years old.

4th of July

Just a few pics from the rest of our 4th.

Only in Portland

Yesterday (friday) I went to the beach to go surfing. About an hour and a half drive. The coast had pleasant weather and fun waves. Today, while Julie was walking her half marathon, Jillian and I drove to Timberline Lodge on Mt Hood to escape the Portland heat (90's). I figured there would be some snow up there even though the temps were supposed to be in the 70's. Wow, I didn't realize there would be that much snow. We started by eating lunch while watching the skiers and snowboarders go by. Then we made a snow family complete with snow dog and had a snowball fight. She crashed out all the way home. Only in Portland can you go to the beach and then to the snow on back to back days.

Happy 4th of July!

Today I walked my 1/2 marathon on Sauvie Island and John and Jillian went up to Timberline to play in the snow. I'll let him post the blog with those pics later! Enjoy the Holiday!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Am I seeing DOUBLE?

Tonight Jillian and I took a shower and when we got out, we surprised Daddy with jammies that looked really similar! The only unfair part is that Jillian's p.j.'s were satiny, mine are cotton. Hopefully I'll get a good nights' sleep in mine so I can wake up at the crack of dawn to do the Sauvie Island 1/2. Yahoo. 
Fortunately for John Target did not make matching boxers, or at least we didn't check...

Little Goldfish

Jillian and Owen have completed their first week of swim lessons at the Sellwood Pool. Dawn and I dressed down the first night to go in with the kids, but realized the parents were not required to get in the water. I was delighted, but as the temp. went up as the week went on, I realized I would rather be in the pool with them kicking and treading to stay cool rather than sit on the hot deck chairs and die in the sweltering heat!!!! 
So far, they have learned  floating on front and back while assisted and blowing bubbles in the water and becoming more at ease in the water up to their heads! 
Jillian has taken to it like a fish and really enjoys her teachers, Charlotte and Emily.
Her class continues through this week and we are planning a picnic after the last class on Friday with the Browns!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Well, today I have been at Infinity Images for 1 year. The company was so happy with my service that they laid me off today. Yes, for real. I don't think they even realized I had been there for a year. I did get my vacation pay, a severance and 2 months of healthcare. Also a promise that if business picked up that they would call me first. I've already started putting my name out there as I ran into my old boss at the Art Institute and asked him if he needed anyone to teach this fall. He said he would look and see. Maybe it's time for me to start a child portrait business. I guess this puts buying a house on hold. Pray for us. -John