Friday, January 22, 2010


Finished a 47 hr week today. Was almost looking at working more time this weekend, but the boss said, "We'll deal with it in on Monday." Thank goodness, as we have two birthday parties to attend this weekend. It's good to have so much work that I d on't have to worry about being employed, bu sometimes it gets overwhelming.

On another note; the Capture A Day blog keeps rolling along. Interestingly enough the very thing that was supposed to get my creative photography juices flowing is actually draining them. It hasn't even been 2 months and I'm getting really tired of trying to find things to photograph. Especially since most days I go to work n the dark, and come home in the dark. Thanks to everyone who has been looking at it and leaving comments. If it wsan't for the comments I would have quit long ago.


Julie T said...

I think you should not type when you are so tired, honey. We have all day to relax until 3 before the party. Let's get some coffee and watch Jillie Bean put on a rehearsal dance party!

Anonymous said...

You don't have to do one per day--just post whenever you see something that catches your eye. Thinking you have to post something everyday becomes work and not fun and creative.


Anonymous said...

I agree, it should be fun not feeling you have to get a shot a day. Just enjoy doing what you do so well and when that special shot comes then post it.

We enjoy them all but you should do it as you catch that special one.

Mom R

Anonymous said...

Actually, John, I think a photo a day is a goal that, frazzled or not, you have reached so far with flying colors. Keep it up! Sometimes the challenge to find something to capture, taken out of the ordinary, makes for a really interesting photo. I like how you rise to the challenge each day.
(No, I'm not saying that just because you're my son.)