Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Day at The Museum

Today we met up with Jillian's school chum, Angela, and her mom. We had a great time at The Children's Museum. It was interesting to watch Jill interact with her "girlfriend" since usually we are tagging around with Owen. The girls played from 9:30 till almost 1 p.m. When Jillian went to bed tonight, I heard her say, "I'm really not tired." This, after riding her push bike to the park with us and playing chase and also on the play structure. Did I mention she has a low grade fever of 100.1? Maybe she was delirious!


Anonymous said...

Sure glad the two had such a great time and that Jillian enjoyed had some fun in the sun also.

Sure hope she feels better this week.

Grandma R

Anonymous said...

The girls look they had fun together (that museum is a great kid place), plus they make a cute pair. Hope they stay pals forever.

Grandma Texas