Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Berfday!

So the day of my birthday I had a headache that turned into a migraine. Needless to say, there wasn't much celebrating and I was in bed at 8:50.
Tonight John and I split the mini coconut creme pie from Baker&Spice. Delicious.
Jillian made me this crown at school yesterday and I not only wore it for this photo, but into the grocery store last night and to walk the dog! Thanks guys for trying to make it wonderful! 34 isn't looking too shabby!


Anonymous said...

Hey Julie A big Happy Birthday to you from Me, WHen is your actual party cake day? Sorry you had a huge headache im sure that wasnt fun But it looks like you did okay with your celebration.Jillians hat made the day! Ahhh to be young lol I sent your dad a photo of me and my sisters and of my dad Philip and my mother Martha hope you get to see them. Take Care V.Overlock

Anonymous said...

The photo say's it all. Looks like a great hat and cake.

Hope you enjoyed celebrating when feeling better.

Ahhh to be 34 again................

Mom R

Unknown said...

What your mom said... me too on all three points.

Mom T

Julie T said...

MS. Overlock,
I saw the pics and the one of your dad sent me for a real loop. It was like looking at Grandpa's ghost! What a trip. We are going roller skating in 50's attire tonight with a group of friends, pics to come soon!!!

MPM said...

happy birthday, a little late!! we will have a piece of cake in your honor. or try to, at any rate - kinda snowed in at the moment.

Julie T said...

so sorry to hear that Michelle. I'm sure you're having a blast with the little darling, though!

Anonymous said...

Julie Glad you got to see um. Yes My Uncle Gilbert your grandfather and My dad were like clones I know. When my my grandmother was in the rest home I went to see her and I was sitting in her room when your grandfather walked in I was shocked looked like my dad AMAZING!
The one photo of me and my sisters Im the one withthe long hair.
Take Care