Friday, October 8, 2010

hug the ones you're with.

Hey all,

Just got some sad news this morning, via face book. A friend of mine was cycling across the country and was in Iowa. A big truck noticed him and pulled to the center lane so he could get by when all of a sudden the truckers front wheel blew, causing him to make a sharp right and hit my friend. It was a tragic accident and he will be missed.
We had lost touch for a couple years, but re-connected on face book. He had a big heart and even bigger smile. He was doing something he loved and was enjoying life.
Often times we take those close to us for granted. Forget that a hug or a kind word can brighten another persons day.

Take the time to hug the ones you're with. And if you think too much time has passed to call that old friend, you're wrong.

Sending a big hug to all of you.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your friend's death.


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is so true Very sorry to hear this , Very sad tragic.But you are so right we put off for tomorrow and the chance slips away.Some people really never know how they have touched your life.Good time to re connect. Thanks for the post Overlock

Anonymous said...

Very sad news, I am sure he will be missed.

Love you sweetie,

Mom R