Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dorks on a bus and other never before seen wild animals!

WE all hopped on the bus today and then took the Max to the Zoo. We were going to go to the beach, but weather was supposed to be better at home. While at the zoo, we spotted some pretty crazy animals and 2 wild parents on a bus! Fun was had by all. It was overcast and we saw most of the animals.

How about you, you, you?

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo...

L. O. V. E.

Just us being silly!

Friday Lunch with Daddy.

Jillian and I took the day off Friday to get some things accomplished before the long weekend. We were on a mission to find her a pair of Summer sandals. Headed over to the NE and got a great pair and then decided to surprise daddy with lunch at the office. We drove over to one of our favorite drive thru spots, Franks a Lot. They have the best Chicago style dogs, this side of Chicago! Jillian downed a whole foot long hot dog! Impressive.
It was fun to hang out. Daddy had to go back to work, we headed home to watch Pirates of the Caribbean II. This kid never ceases to amaze me.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just another experiment on film...

It was another lull in the day and I was bored so I took a picture of myself in Hipstamatic on my iTouch. Enjoy.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Jillian Won a Coloring Contest!!!!!

I was at New Seasons grocery store the other day and picked up a coloring page thinking it would be fun for Jillian to enter the contest...
We got the call Saturday afternoon that she won, and needed to come by and pick up her prize. The deal is, there were 4 categories by age: 3 and under, 4-5, 6-8 and 9 and up. The prizes went like this: 1st place $15 gift card, 2nd-3rd place $10 gift cards. We picked up her prize and the women all gushed over what an excellent job she did and how talented she was.
She won 1st place in her age group! She got her G.C. and proceeded to the "toy" aisle. She picked out 2 handmade finger puppets, Kid-helper chopsticks, glitter air-dry modeling clay and a recorder (flute like instrument)!! We are SO proud of her and know this is just the beginning.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How cute are we?

That is all.

Love is in the air...

Happy Anniversary to Karen and Tom today. They celebrate 43 years!
Happy Anniversary to Sue and Gil on Sunday. They celebrate 41 years!

What role models you all are. Sticking it out for the...... children.
We thank you very much!

xo, Julie

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day.

...even though you're my wife.

Mother-Daughter Stuffed Animals.

Yesterday we all went to the Bird Festival and met up with Owen and family. We lasted an hour before the pounding rain hit. We painted, planted, saw real birds and decorated wings. Jillian even played a spin-the-wheel game and won a prize. The category was "Name that Bird", she had to look at a picture and tell the lady what it was. She got it spot on with PELICAN! We told her Grandpa TX would be so proud of his little bird brain!
Later, Sarah and Lily came over and helped the girls start stuffed animals. Jillian made "sugar", Lily made her cat, Cocoa, and I made a funny bunny! The girls stitched the whole thing then stuffed them and Dad helped Jillian with the face! I see lots of home made gifts coming your way!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Lesson in Music

Lily, the downstairs neighbor, is learning Violin. Jillian took an interest when Lily's mom got it out to ready it for her lesson. Jillian asked if she could play. Sarah helped Jilly hold it, get proper stance and she LOVED every minute of it! She was very relaxed and patient for a 5 year old. I was impressed. This is her rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.
I LOVE this girl!

Monday, May 2, 2011

A very wise quote

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ~Martin Luther King Jr.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day!

Today Jillian and Lily played outside, ALL DAY! WE got the tee-pee from last year out and put it in the yard and the girls and I even made construction paper May Day baskets. There was a lot of sun and the girls were well protected. Unfortunately, I am red as a lobster, WITH sunscreen. GRRRRR! It hurts.
John went surfing and when he came home, we grilled halibut, salmon, asparagus and the neighbors brought a salad and mashed potatoes.
I could get used to this!

The Cat and the Garden!

John and I have been chatting about making a garden in the front grass patch between the sidewalk and the street. Seth, the landlord, had a bunch of leftover dirt and it has been there for some time doing nothing. We went to a couple nurseries and picked out some fun stuff. We have Sugar snap peas, Banana peppers, Scallions, Strawberries, two types of tomatoes and lettuce, and Catnip! Sugar was outside ALL weekend while we were out. She had a blast, even fertilizes the garden. EW.