Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Lesson in Music

Lily, the downstairs neighbor, is learning Violin. Jillian took an interest when Lily's mom got it out to ready it for her lesson. Jillian asked if she could play. Sarah helped Jilly hold it, get proper stance and she LOVED every minute of it! She was very relaxed and patient for a 5 year old. I was impressed. This is her rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.
I LOVE this girl!


Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmm A musical instrument in her future?

No surprise there.

Grandma R

Julie T said...

Shoot! The video didn't post. I'll have to try again.

Anonymous said...

When you posted this, I couldn't help but think of the story of my mom (Jillian's great-grandma) and her sister as little girls. They took violin lessons, even had their own little violins, compliments of their father who was musically talented and wanted them to learn violin. Neither girl was interested in violin though. Great grandma wanted to learn piano and her sister, saxaphone. Their violin teacher gave up on them and told their dad he was wasting time and money. Their dad finally gave up, ended the lessons and sold the violins. Lesson: Music lessons only if they show an interest.

Grandma Texas

PS After all these years and no success with his own daughters, Great-great-grandpa Broz has to be smiling down on Jillian!!!