Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oh.. just some spooks and blood suckers!

Wow! We have been busy this month. We went over to dinner at Owen's house last night and it turned into a blood bath. Those little blood suckers were out for all of us!
Jillian and I have also taken a couple trips to Hood River with Grandma to get apples. She even got some for her class for snacks.
As some of you have noticed, Jillian and I are growing out our bangs. Above is our best impersonation of Cousin IT from The Addams Family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Top and 2nd from top pic:
I see Jillian's 2 front teeth have grown in and I can't wait to hear that those 2 long canines have come out! Yikes... too scary!!!

Grandma Texas