Sunday, June 8, 2008

Like father like daughter

Well, we told you how Jillian got her bruise. John's started with a skateboard injury LAST weekend that is just now starting to bruise up. Apparently I got a bone bruise on my shin and all the blood from it is traveling down my leg to my ankle. Fortunately it doesn't hurt.


Hunter Williams said...

I saw it happen. John was boosting a way rad backside boneless 520 McTwist but he didn't stick the landing like he did the first 5 times.
Even though the whole peanut gallery exploded in concern and grief at the sight of his injury, John shrugged it off and never uttered a peep. Plenty of crying, but he truly didn't peep one time.

Anonymous said...

You two have really got to stop competing on injuries.

Mom R