Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer Lovin', Havin' a Blast

Friday Dawn and I had arranged a play date for Jillian and Owen for Sunday morning. Well, the kids each took long naps into the afternoon with the promise of seeing each other later in the day. I talked with Chris, Owen's dad and he invited us all over for a BBQ. We headed over at 5:30 and brought plenty of lemonade...  We had a nice time, Jillian spent most of her time painting in the backyard, while Owen ran for the swing and eventually let Jillian get on. As the night went on the kids gravitated to Owen's room and directly into the bed. They put all the blankets and stuffed animals into his crib and jumped around for about 30 minutes. The fun ended when Owen shot out of the bed and landed directly on his head. (Nothing a little love from his dolphin and monkey couldn't fix!) 
Right before we left, the two were snuggled together. SO CUTE! We are in so much trouble...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How adorable are these two. Who needs a brother or sister when they live so close to each other.
Sounds like they had a blast.
Owen's parents should watch out, Jillian will be telling Owen how much more fun a big bed is for jumping on (or out of)
What a great friendship they have going on.
Grandma R