Monday, November 24, 2008

Here We Go Again...

Jillian got another fever last night. 103.2. I give up... Today, she woke up and after much coaxing, let Dada take her temp and it was 101.7. I stayed home this morning and John took the afternoon shift which included a trip to the doctor! We'll keep you all posted. I hope the doctor has some magic feel better pills. 

*on another note, Missy is really slowing down and her legs seem to be giving her some trouble. She is pretty much deaf, unless the noise is really loud and then she jumps. She is spending most of her time sleeping (nothing new) and hanging really close to us. I think the cold weather is getting to her because she slept under a blanket the other night.  Photo to follow. 
Keep Miss-Dog in your thoughts!

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