Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy Late 17th Birthday!

Julie reminded me that we forgot my sobriety birthday on Monday, May25th. So here's a late Happy Birthday to me for 17 years of sobriety!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sunday, May 24th BBQ

We walked up the street to our neighbors' house for a little gathering. Chris, Laura and Claire were the hosts and John, Amy and Kyan were there with the 3JT'S in tow. We all had a nice time hanging out and Jillian brought her new book: Where the Wild Things Are. It was such a hit I think I read it 3x. Its so nice having neighbors you actually want to socialize with. I hear there are many plans for Happy Hours this summer!!!

Forest Park Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, I woke up at 5:36 and went to the gym, came home and walked Missy and then had breakfast all before Jillian woke up at 8:15. Then we all headed out for a hike. Jillian made it almost a mile in and then was on Johns' shoulders. They were pretty cute on the way in, but on the way out, John was working hard with an extra 35 lbs. on him. We all made it out alive and enjoyed a nice lunch at the local bagel shop! Great way to end the long weekend!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Strawberry short cake...

We got some strawberries from Grandma and planted them a few weeks' ago and have been tending to them with care. Jillian even got her own Diego watering can from the hardware store. She is so excited when we water to see them growing bigger. Soon we will have to get some netting to build around them to keep the little birdies out. Strawberry short cake anyone? (and a ladybug, too)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Farmer Fun

Tonight was beautiful. We met Chris, Dawn and Owen at the Sellwood Farmers' Market. The kids had some yummy ice cream, balloon hats and some classy dancing!
It all adds up to a night of fun. Then they went by the park and met the neighbors' 8 week old Border Collie; Bambi!  What a night.

Is that a Horse Head in the bed or a Pee Puddle?

So Tuesday morning at about 4:50, Jillian came to the side of my bed and wanted in... I lifted her up and we fell back asleep only for me to wake up 5 minutes later to a very warm, wet feeling! Apparently the dear child mis-read the cue that her body sent by waking her up and by-passed the potty on her way to our room. I rushed to the bathroom to get a towel and came back to a screeching child doing a bridge pose in the bed. She was so worked-up that by the time I drug her to the shower with me it looked something like the ending scene of the Crying Game, with her cowering in the corner crying! 
Finally moved on with the morning and took her to school.
Now she doesn't want to use the potty before bed...
Opening Scene This Morning: Waking Jillian up this morning only to find her sleeping in a huge wet spot. May as well have been a horse head! I guess she'll learn eventually.
* she has been doing a super job up until this time and I couldn't be more proud of her...
We all have our set backs!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I do...

Hunter proposed to Lisa in New York on Saturday and she said, "YES." 

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

The view in the front yard today was that of SUMMER!  Jillian, Grandma and I went to the Milwaukie Farmers' Market this morning and John went on a mountain bike ride in Forest Park. We all met up back at home and John used the air compressor to pump up the Island Fantasy Pool. (that's what I call it)  She played for quite some time and then stripped off everything and laid out in the sun for about 10 minutes... (those pics are not on display) We wrapped up the evening with a turkey-dog roast! Hopefully the nice weather is here to stay!
*its a plastic frog*

Friday, May 15, 2009

Rest In Peace

This blog was originally set up as a way to keep in touch with our friends and families. Recently, Julie and I have noticed that no one is commenting on this blog. Therefore, we assume that no one is reading this blog. If that is the case, then this blog will soon become deceased.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

He must be losing it...

UMMMMMM, Hello? Did I not just post this picture last night? Good looking? Yes. Memory? No. But we love him anyway...

More Beautiful Girls

Just another couple of shots of my 2 favorite ladies. Why don't we post any pictures of me up here? Well, I'm always taking the pictures and just too good looking to show off.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Take a Whack at a Nut

Jillian and I went to the store for some fruits and veggies after work. We were going to the Farmer's Market, but it was pouring outside... 
While at the store, I saw coconuts. As a kid, I enjoyed eating them. Jillian had never had one so I bought it and we cracked it after dinner. She was surprised to find out coconut milk is not brown, but cloudy-clear. She got a chunk of the meat and started gnawing away. I think she liked it.  I got rid of some of my stress by whacking away at the brown shell!  :) Maybe next time I can crack it so Jillian can have a coconut bra like I did when I was 3!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The birds

Here are the birds that they had on display at the bird festival.

Bird festival

Yesterday we took a trip to the local park to visit the bird festival that was happening. There were plenty of activities for the kids as well as some various raptors from the Audubon Society. Jillian had plenty of fun.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Chocolaty Congrats!

Jillian has been a champ at wearing her panties and keeping them DRY! Last night we decided to let her wear panties to bed. She had been waking up dry for about 3 weeks. She got up at 6:15 this morning and went potty and was DRY. We made her a Nutella English Muffin to celebrate! She ate the whole thing and enjoyed every bite.

My Girls

Aren't they gorgeous?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Budding Artist

Saturday morning Jillian asked us to teach her how to draw a flower. John drew the orange flower and Jillian colored it in, then she decided to show off and told me she could write, "Mama." So she did. I think she's just practicing for Mother's Day. I can't wait to get my card! (which is what she told me she got me.) :)

Ahhhh... The Weekend.

This weekend we had the pleasure of bringing home "Flower," the class Guinea Pig. She really is sweet and John and I spent a lot of time holding and petting her. Jillian wanted to go to Grandma's house so she asked us to feed Flower and take care of her. We met Grandma in Clackamas, Sunday mid-morning and later in the afternoon we went to the park. Jillian was having a fun time riding her motorcycle and going up and down the slide. Missy was having fun doing what Missy does best.

More of Jillian's photos

Jillian continues to take photos with "her camera." We encourage her to take pictures whenever she wants and she now knows how to turn the camera on and off, and press the button to view them afterwards. Soon I'll teach her how to use the zoom lens.