Sunday, May 24, 2009

Strawberry short cake...

We got some strawberries from Grandma and planted them a few weeks' ago and have been tending to them with care. Jillian even got her own Diego watering can from the hardware store. She is so excited when we water to see them growing bigger. Soon we will have to get some netting to build around them to keep the little birdies out. Strawberry short cake anyone? (and a ladybug, too)


Anonymous said...

Jillian, you must be taking great care of those plants--- they look so healthy. In a few days, the 3Js will have red, ripe, yummy strawberries for their shortcake (good on ice cream too). Enjoy!

Grandma Texas

PS Though we'll miss strawberry season, we should be up there in time to pick some wild blackberries again on Sauvie Island... yum!

PPS Speaking of red (strawberries, lady bugs), today I'm wearing the red necklace Jillian made me for Mother's Day. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Jillian, your strawberries look much better than mine, must be all the TLC you are giving them.

I'll have to try harder. The rasberries are looking good though and the blueberries also.

The sugar peas you planted and the corn are starting to grow.

Good job,

Love Grandma R