Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is that a Horse Head in the bed or a Pee Puddle?

So Tuesday morning at about 4:50, Jillian came to the side of my bed and wanted in... I lifted her up and we fell back asleep only for me to wake up 5 minutes later to a very warm, wet feeling! Apparently the dear child mis-read the cue that her body sent by waking her up and by-passed the potty on her way to our room. I rushed to the bathroom to get a towel and came back to a screeching child doing a bridge pose in the bed. She was so worked-up that by the time I drug her to the shower with me it looked something like the ending scene of the Crying Game, with her cowering in the corner crying! 
Finally moved on with the morning and took her to school.
Now she doesn't want to use the potty before bed...
Opening Scene This Morning: Waking Jillian up this morning only to find her sleeping in a huge wet spot. May as well have been a horse head! I guess she'll learn eventually.
* she has been doing a super job up until this time and I couldn't be more proud of her...
We all have our set backs!


Anonymous said...

Please tell my girl Jillian that we all have accidents... no big deal... and I am sure proud of how great she is doing without pull-ups. You go, Jillian! I love you!

Grandma Texas

Anonymous said...

Give Jillian our love and support, she is doing a super job and so proud of herself to be out of pull-ups, she was telling Grandpa over the weekend. I'm sure she will be back in the swing of things again with all the love and support she is getting. Just tell her we all have accidents and thats how we learn.
Love and kisses
Grandma R