Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dance Fever

Jillian has the start of a sinus infection and I stayed home with her today b/c of fever possibility. Sure enough, 100.2 this morning. We did puzzles, watched Dumbo and the highlight was going to Target to pick up more hand soap. She is on Antibiotics and seems to be on the mend. Back to school tomorrow. This afternoon, I think she needed an energy release. She got out her dance mat and boogied for about 10 minutes. She is a crack-up.


Anonymous said...

Glad she is feeling better, you too I hope.

Nice release for her energy, something she can do all by herself.

Mom/Grandma R

MPM said...

That kid is SO FREAKING CUTE!! Next time there's a dance party, let's have some video. (And I hope you are all feeling just dandy.)

Anonymous said...

Awww Feel better Jillian. Wish I had that kind of energy even a smidgin of it would be grand.
You all take care, Overlock