Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Cat and the Garden!

John and I have been chatting about making a garden in the front grass patch between the sidewalk and the street. Seth, the landlord, had a bunch of leftover dirt and it has been there for some time doing nothing. We went to a couple nurseries and picked out some fun stuff. We have Sugar snap peas, Banana peppers, Scallions, Strawberries, two types of tomatoes and lettuce, and Catnip! Sugar was outside ALL weekend while we were out. She had a blast, even fertilizes the garden. EW.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure your garden will be pretty as well as delicious. I planted some patio tomatoes and green beans in pots (since we don't have much sun in yard) and we had a very good crop of tomatoes. Jerry said they are delicious (I don't like tomatoes). The beans are coming along slowly. Will be lucky if I get enough for a meal.
