Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A LONG time

It's been a while since we posted anything on here. We've been busy, just not doing anything really worth reporting. The weather has turned for the worse already. We are in the 60's for highs and the rain is here. The depression is already setting in for me.
On the bright side, Jillian's doing well in school and is reading almost every night with us. She does pretty well with most words. She has also started swim lessons again. I'm hoping that someday soon she will be able to go swimming with her old man.
The above picture is just a simple portrait that Julie took before we went to a wedding this past weekend. I like it and therefore am going to post it. Peace.


Anonymous said...

Great picture. I feel the same way about ther rain, much rather have sun and really cold.

Hope Jillians continues to enjoy school and her swimming. One of these days she will be swimming beside you in the pool.

Mom/Grandma R

Julie T said...

I take good pictures, or you are handsome.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see and read something new on the blog again. Jillian is sharp and I have no doubt she will be checking books out of the library and reading them to her mom and dad before you know it. Not to mention swimming with her old man... who, by the way, looks sharp.

Mom/Grandma Texas

Anonymous said...

julie takes good pictures AND john is handsome.
