Saturday, March 22, 2008

My NYC Advenures

Today I went into the East Village with Michelle and Jillian's Mao... We went to breakfast at a place called MUD. Great food and the coffee was amazing! Went into some cute little shops and did a little shopping for Jillian. Walked by McSorley's Old Ale House, the oldest in NYC (established in 1854, thank you Francis!), but decided not to go in, gaggle of people on the sidewalk meant even more inside. Saw some beautiful churches, tattoo shops ( not so beautiful, some just downright weird ) and even took a picture of me and mao in front of the cube. (no, I didn't try to push it!)
We saw some of New York's newest buildings, just monstrosities, nothing impressive. (all glass)
We all went to Indian food on Sixth tonight and then to a play off Broadway, shuffled my way through Times Square- cuz that's as fast as you can move. I was disappointed that the "Naked Cowboy" was not out tonight! Let me tell you, I really wanted a picture of him holding Mao.
The play we went to tonight is called, "The Conscientious Objector" By Michael Murphy. It's about Martin Luther King jr. and his relationship with Lyndon B. Johnson during the Vietnam war and also how the FBI bugged King's house and recorded conversations... Very well done. I even sat one seat down from a celebrity! To find out who it is, tune in tomorrow when I will have then had enough sleep to figure out how to add a pic to my blog. Rode the subway and took a couple pictures of Mao on the subway... Who says New Yorker's are the crazy ones, huh? The night was caped off with a slice at a local spot in the neighborhood.
The weather was fabulous, and I'm sure tomorrow will bring many new firsts... going into SOHO.

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