Wednesday, March 26, 2008

prejudice is alive and well

I was doing some deliveries for work on Monday and had to make a stop at a prominent ad agency we'll cal K&W, whose reception desk is on the second floor. The first floor of the building is simply an entry area with a large set of stairs going up and no people or office. I had a few heavy boxes and went to the elevator only to find that you had to have a key card to use it. When I finally got to the second floor I asked the receptionist what would happen if a handicap person were to enter the building. Without elevator access they could not get to the reception desk and it's doubtful they would be seen or heard entering the building. The lady at the reception desk shrugged her shoulders and said, "I guess they would be SOL." She then told me how in her 19 yrs of working there she has only seen 1 person in a wheelchair come in the building.
The ironic part was that this woman was in her late 40's early 50's and black. I wanted to ask her, "If 40 years ago you were walking through the south and needed to use the restroom but there were only white bathrooms accessible, would you have been SOL?"
I guess we haven't progressed as far as we think.

1 comment:

Hunter Williams said...

John, what does SOL mean?
Maybe she meant "Sent to the Other Lift".
Or they would "Shout Out Loud" for someone to let them in the elevator.
Or "Signal Our Lackeys" to carry them wherever they wanted for the day.
Or "Shave Our Lemurs", because, well, they need shaving.

and in the South 50 years ago, she would have been "Shown the Other Loo".