Tuesday, April 22, 2008


"Gloom, despair and agony on me.
If it wasn't for my bad luck,
I'd have no luck at all..."
- Hee Haw

I want to thank Brian for directing me towards this site:


Monday, April 21, 2008


Just want to give thanks to those who made a comment and gave encouragement on the last entry. I guess I'll keep on posting.
This past weekend was interesting to say the least. John got sick Friday with what quickly became an all day in bed, headache, nausea, fun fest. I can't remember the last time I actually had to stay in bed that long. Jillian was a great nurse when she came home from day care. It's actually indescribable the manner in which she will quietly and gently act like she's taking care of you.
Saturday was a better day but the queasy stomach still hasn't gone away even today. Jillian, Julie and Grandma went to Baby Loves Disco (A kid friendly dance) where Jillian had an altercation with a folding chair. She may never sit in a folding chair again. Afterwards Jillian went to Grandma's for the night and Julie and I were able to go to dinner and a movie.
Sunday Julie and I got to sleep til 10 am!!!!! To all of you single folks... that's huge for parents. The rest of the day was spent shopping, eating lunch with friends and getting Jillian back.
Next weekend we get ready for a mini vacation to the coast of Oregon for a week.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I don't really have anything to say, but it's been a while since I posted. I think my life has taken the boring turn. So boring, in fact, that I wonder if anyone is reading this blog. Besides a few comments from 2 people, no one has anything to say about my boring life. In fact, just to see if anyone really is reading this or if it is waste of time, please leave a comment just so I can take a "head count."

Monday, April 14, 2008

More Spin

Mary Poppins was such a friendly woman... or was she?


SPIN: (Verb) Slang. to cause to have a particular bias; influence in a certain direction.

We hear about spin in politics quite a bit now. People taking quotes out of context and claiming information has a creditable source when it doesn't seems to be just normal routine. At one time I believe this was called slander and you could get sued for such things. But TV ratings and peoples cravings for dirt have changed all that. If you live under a rock and don't believe it happens just check out the spin used to make the above movie trailer. For those of you who have been living under a rock, Shining was a Stephen King horror movie from the 80's; not the happy family drama movie you see above.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


The whole Iraq war subject troubles me. I'm usually against any military action whatsoever. I don't believe we should have ever gone into Iraq and we now know we had no business going there. Unfortunately that's an after-thought and we've dug a pretty deep hole. I don't believe that getting out now is the answer. I mean, would you want someone to come in and TRASH your house and then leave you with no money and no help to clean it up? Hopefully we can get a plan to do more rebuilding and less fighting soon. Jillian may have figured out the military strategy here on our window. Now if we can just figure out what it means.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We're back!

Jillian and I got back from Texas last night. We spent 7 days down there and had a great time. Jillian was the center of attention the whole time (when is she not). She went to the San Antonio Zoo and got to see the lion roar (ask her about it), road the train in Breckenridge Park, learned how to blow bubbles on her own, swam in the kiddie pool, saw deer in the backyard, and on an on and on. She also got to see her relatives in Texas. This was a little overwhelming at first, but she adapted well and had fun. We even got a family picture. The weather was nice, Jillian had very few fits (always for Mama), and we're glad to be back.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Reunited and it feels so good...

The greeting at the airport that I received was better than anything I could have possibly dreamed of.  I ran to Jillian and she jumped into my arms and went limp as a noodle for about 7  minutes. She didn't say a word, just buried her head into my neck and hugged me. I told her I loved her very much and missed her terribly and she patted my back and my arm. John and I exchanged a little peck with her in my arms. They both were back where they belonged and all was right again.
The car ride home I was in the back seat with Jillian and tonight as I put her to bed, she stroked my face and held onto my hand tightly. It's good to have them home, we'll see how the morning goes. The only thing I think will work is me telling her how excited Owen will be to see her at school tomorrow!
Good night YA'LL!

1JT+2JT's = HOME!

Tonight is the night that John and my lovely, sweet Jillian return. (at least that's how I choose to think of her getting off the plane at 7:30 tonight) Chances are they will both be cranky and tired, but I will embrace them with hugs and kisses anyway!
Find out tomorrow how it all actually went down. I'm sure John will have a few things to say in the coming few days! If not about the weather then about how I have DUTY the rest of the week...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Can't I just get a HUG?

Hey all...
There is no pic to view, just a little reminder how important it is to give and receive hugs. I miss that the most right now. Jillian can give the best hugs. The kind where she snuggles her head into my neck and squeezes me and pats my back! There's nothing like it in the world!  John can give a good hug, too... 
So if you see me between now and Monday... GIVE ME A HUG!!! PLEASE.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

So would I?

YES! I would trade all the fun I've had this week for my family! 
The single life was fun when I was single... now the house is just too quiet.
See you soon guys!

The Single Life?!?!!!!

So,    John and Jillian have been in Texas since Tuesday, early!  I know because I took them! I guess we're even now John since you dropped me off late so I could fly out to NYC!
I have been keeping myself busy with friends, books and dog walking... lots of dog walking.
I spent some time with a girlfriend Tuesday evening and last night I tried a tiny wine bar over on Mississippi in North Portland called, LUPA! It was fun, but definitely more of a date feeling place.
If you've got a mate and they like wine I would recommend it.
Tonight I'm going to Pix Patissere  for a little dessert and then a snuggle with Missy! She really misses her people.
Tomorrow night I'm heading out to Queen of Sheba, an Ethiopian restaurant in North East and then the architects are heading over for a movie and some wine on Saturday. I should be pretty tired of people by then so just an early breakfast Sunday morning and the gym on sat and sun...
John and Jillian come home Monday night. I can't wait! I miss them so much.

If you ever get an itch to see how the other side lives, and you don't have kids, you can borrow ours when she gets back from Texas because mommy and daddy will need some time together! 
And I'm sure the adjustment back to our time and jet lag a happy Jillian it will make!