Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We're back!

Jillian and I got back from Texas last night. We spent 7 days down there and had a great time. Jillian was the center of attention the whole time (when is she not). She went to the San Antonio Zoo and got to see the lion roar (ask her about it), road the train in Breckenridge Park, learned how to blow bubbles on her own, swam in the kiddie pool, saw deer in the backyard, and on an on and on. She also got to see her relatives in Texas. This was a little overwhelming at first, but she adapted well and had fun. We even got a family picture. The weather was nice, Jillian had very few fits (always for Mama), and we're glad to be back.


Anonymous said...

We enjoyed the visit. I still don't understand the whole "show them the frogs in your mouth" deal with Jillian. Where did that come from?

Anonymous said...

Frogs in your mouth- When Jillian would throw a screaming tantrum, Grandma Texas started saying to her that when she opened her mouth that big and loud, one could see frogs back there making that loud sound... blue frogs, Jillian, said... with purple spots, Grandma said. It became a game to open the mouth and see and hear the frogs.