Monday, June 2, 2008


Sometimes while surfing in the Pacific Northwest I get a little nervous. Surfing in Texas I saw sharks quite often, but those were smaller sharks, the largest being about 7-8ft. They may take a bite out of you but probably not willing to mess with a person of the same size or bigger. Here it is a bit different. The main food for sharks up here is sea lion and you need a pretty big predator to eat something that big. These shots were taken in South Africa, but we have them up here as well. Now, why do I go out in the ocean again???


Anonymous said...

Sorry, Jillian isn't allowed in over her knees.

Grandma R

Hunter Williams said...

you go in the ocean to keep ME safe...with your whiskers, you look a bunch more like a sea lion than I do.

Anonymous said...

"Yikes!" is right!!! I echo Grandma R when it comes to Jillian. (On second thought, maybe only up to her ankles.) As for John out there in the surf, he's a big boy now. Hunter could have a point, though, about the whiskers.

Grandma Texas