Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Most of us are celebrating this holiday by stuffing our faces and watching football games because we're to full to do anything else. Some of us use this time to reflect on what we're grateful for. A few may actually see this as the holiday that we were taught in school in which the pilgrims had a feast with friends to be grateful for the bounty that the Lord had given them. However, the best explanation that I have read for this holiday is from a website called

"For our readers outside of the States, we’re celebrating the memory of the white man spreading small pox to the indigenous population of North America, otherwise known as Thanksgiving. We cook and eat turkeys to commemorate it." -Kilwag

Hope you have a healthy holiday!


Julie T said...

how nice, dear.

Anonymous said...


How do you feel about Christmas?
Let me know asap...
I may have some gifts to return.

Ho, ho, ho!

Mrs. Claus

Hunter Williams said...

Too bad the pilgrims didn't eat a donkey for thanksgiving...

then we'd all get a piece of ass on this holiday.

John T said...

Well, at least the Native Americans got screwed.