Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So I came home last Friday night not feeling so well. By Saturday morning I was done. Fever, chills, etc. I spent the whole weekend on the couch while John played mommy and daddy to Jillian. Went to work on Monday feeling so weak. It was the first time I had spent more than 2 minutes in the vertical position. Not to mention that all of my kids at school were sick in some form or another... wonder where I got mine?
Anyway, I pick up Jillian at school Monday afternoon and her teacher says she didn't nap too well because of a cough. 
I put her to bed that night with some tylenol and hoped for the best. 4:30 a.m. Tuesday morning I thought I would still be asleep. John had already gone in to check on Jillian and brought her into bed to sleep more. Jillian and I had the day off (veteran's day) so we had a couple errands planned. Well, Jillian's cough got bad and puked all over me!  FYI: puking on a parent means "I LOVE YOU."  
Took her to the doctor, just a virus, the doctor was very nice. Who knew that Mao Mao and I have heart beats in our knees?  Her temp has gone from 101.0 to 103.0, that's one hot tamale! Spent the day lovingly caring for my offspring, and will stay home and do it again tomorrow. 

Just want to say, "Thanks Mom!!!!"  You are a truly selfless, wonderful woman!


Anonymous said...

Get well soon sweeties... John go buy a dust mask. Don't want you being sick too. I'm sending telepathic chicken soup.

Love to you all,


Anonymous said...

Hope you both get feeling better soon. It's not fun having little one(s) so sick.

Lots of love to everyone.

Mom/Grandma R

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an awful way to spend the weekend, Julie... glad you're feeling better. Hope Jillian gets well soon and that John doesn't also go from caregiver to patient. Love to all of you!

Grandma & Mom Texas