Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Make a Big Splash!

It had been a few months since Grandma and I had gone for a pedicure. We went last Saturday morning, December 6. Jillian usually comes along and puts her toes in the tub. This time she wanted to stand in the tub so she stripped off her pants and ran around the shop in her pull-up and a t-shirt. These women have known her since Jillian was 5 months old. She usually sits on my or Grandma's lap and lets us paint her toes, but this time one of the women offered. She sat still from Base Coat, to two color coats, and a heavy Top Coat. So patient this one...
She pranced out of there with a Dum-Dum sucker in one hand and Mao/Dog in the other! She made quite a big splash that day with the owner and the clients.


Anonymous said...

This is becoming quite a treat for all, and Jillian was so good the whole time.

We'll do it again in January when Grandma Texas is here.

Grandma R

Anonymous said...

Love those blue and purple toes! I don't think Grandma Texas will be getting her toes colored in January, maybe just the fingernails this time. Brrrr!