Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy Late 17th Birthday!

Julie reminded me that we forgot my sobriety birthday on Monday, May25th. So here's a late Happy Birthday to me for 17 years of sobriety!


Christi H said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Very Happy Birthday.

Mom R

Anonymous said...

Happy b-day! We love you, man!


Hunter Williams said...

Big big congrats!

Anonymous said...

In nineteen hundred ninety-two, a not-so-happy young man of twenty-two steered away from booze to start living anew.

I'm happy and thankful, John, that you chose sobriety. Congratulations on 17 years!


Julie T said...

John says at year 18 he graduates...

Anonymous said...

Wow Good for you Congrats 17 Really Great. Jerry My husband has 22 this Fall.Happy Skipping down not Trudging the Yellow Brick road to Happy Destiny. Here is My Email if you like
Velma R Overlock