Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Beach time

Summer hit here hard. We went from 50's to 90's almost overnight and never looked back. In order to cool off on one of those scorchers, the family decided to take a trip to the coast. Jillian had a great time digging in the sand, climbing up the rocks and other general mayhem. On one of her walks down the beach she found a starfish that was washed up. Dad wanted to keep it (it was dead) but the masses overruled and wanted to throw it back in the ocean. On the half mile hike back to the car Jillian was falling asleep while riding on Dad's shoulders. We kept her awake long enough to get her strapped into her car seat and I think she fell asleep right away.

1 comment:

Julie T said...

Regardless of whether it was dead or not:IT STUNK! Really bad, it was so stinky I took it out of the cooler and that's when Jillian decided (with coaching) she and dada should put it back in the ocean! What a life lesson...